Categories of car insurance
Car insurance policy can be bought for both motor
vehicle and motorist too! That is, you can buy the insurance for your car and
also for yourself. How? The major reason that people buy car insurance is that
the can get loss recovery if his car gets damaged due to an accident or a
victim is physically injured. The same concept applies on the motorist or the
people vehicle where he can buy car insurance if he is hurt or injured due to
the car accident.Apart from the two major categories, there are at least seven categories
of car insurance among which few covers personal injury and few others
cover the injury of the car! The first one is Liability Insurance This
insurance is also for protecting you but the cash or money goes to others!
Weird! Well, in car accidents, you are not always the victim or others are not
always the liable. Think about a case where an accident occurred where another
person’s house, properties or car is damaged
and the police find you
responsible for this accident! In this case, you will have to pay the person.
If you have liability insurance then this scheme will cover the loos recovery
payment and you wouldn't have to pay from your personal deposit.The second among
the seven categories of car insurance is collision insurance where you
will receive loss recovery in cash if your car is damaged due to a collision and
police finds the other motorist responsible for this accident. This mostly
covers the total price of the car.Comprehensive insurance is slightly different
than above two cases which is applicable mostly in case of ‘incident’ instead
of accidents. That is, this policy applies on these cases where your car is theft,
climatic damage or any animal caused harm. The uninsured-motorist protection
policy is that kind of insurance where the ‘guilty’ person who caused the
accident get obligation for covering the cost out of own pocket. However, this
concept is not still clearly prescribed and has still so many dilemmas.The medical or personal injury protection refers to that insurance
where an injured person gets covered with financial policy. Regardless of the
responsible person behind the accident, this insurance covers both victim and
the liable person if any of them is injured. This is exclusively persona
insurance for financial safety of a person. No-fault insurance is rare and not in so much
practice. When all others nationwide car insurance, this is very limited
in few specific states in USA. Only twelve states in USA currently support this
insurance policy. It works much like the personal injury policy. The difference
is, it covers both person health and property! GAP insurance is the most
convenient policy for especially those who bought the car by loan; still, owe
huge amount of money and in this mean time he is in an accident! Many of the
lenders require the customers to have this insurance policy. So, if you have
your car through this process, you may have GAP insurance policy which you
might not know!